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Quality of food products at Alcantara Park

As you enter the Park, the hubbub of daily life falls silent, and each flower and each plant spins its own discourse.

They invite us to reflect on those who came before us in the fields of history. Each plant, flower, vegetable becomes a symbol, in the incessant flowing of the fertile and all-regenerating river.

Getting out of the city and in contact with plants, flowers and trees, will be a way to relive our history and culture, at the same time noble and folk, including the use of herbs for magical or medical purposes, and their meaning in the love language.

From the Memorandum of Understanding among Alcantara River Park, Department for Forests and Agriculture, IX Regional Service

  • Enhancing and promoting farms and agricultural products of the Park area;
  • Spreading a culture of quality in the agricultural production;
  • Promoting quality agricultural production, through sustainable or environmentally-friendly production processes;
  • Promoting the Park's Agricultural Council;
  • Promoting the Park's Multiservice Farm;
  • Promoting the "Percorso dei Sapori dell'Alcantara" , "Carta dei Servizi di qualità" and "Rete delle Aziende Agricole Innovative del Parco";
  • Collaborating with authorities and businesses that pursue the same objectives;
  • Providing consultancy to authorities, businesses and citizens on issues connected with the above-mentioned activities.

Promoting and carrying out any other non-profit activity which is connected and compatible with the enhancement and recovery of the Park territory and with the development of economic and environmental potential. 

Regione SiciliaPAI SiciliaDistretto Taormina-Etna
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E-mail: info@parcoalcantara.it - Certified mail: parcoalcantara@pec.it - C.F. 96005940836